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Date and Time Functions

This topic describes the date and time functions supported by StoneDB.

This topic describes the date and time functions supported by StoneDB.

ADDDATE(d,n)Adds time value (interval) n to date d.SELECT ADDDATE('2022-06-10', INTERVAL 5 DAY);

ADDTIME(t,n)Adds time n to time t.SELECT ADDTIME('2022-06-10 10:00:00',5);

->2022-06-10 10:00:05
Returns the current date.SELECT CURDATE();

Returns the current time.SELECT CURRENT_TIME();

Returns the current date and time.SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();

->2022-06-10 17:11:06
DATE()Extracts the date part of a date or datetime expression.SELECT DATE('2022-06-10');

DATEDIFF(d1,d2)Subtracts two dates. d1 and d2 each specify a date.SELECT DATEDIFF('2022-06-10','2021-06-10');

DATE_ADD(d,INTERVAL expr type)Add time values (intervals) to date d.
type can be set to SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR.
SELECT DATE_ADD('2022-06-10 17:17:21', INTERVAL -3 HOUR);

->2022-06-10 14:17:21
DATE_FORMAT(d,f)Formats date d based on expression f.SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2022-06-10 17:21:11','%Y-%m-%d %r');

->2022-06-10 05:21:11 PM
DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr type)Subtracts a time value (interval) from date date.
type can be set to SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR.

DAY(d)Returns the day in date d.SELECT DAY('2022-06-10');

DAYNAME(d)Returns the name of the weekday from date** **d, for example, Monday.SELECT DAYNAME('2022-06-10 17:30:30');

DAYOFMONTH(d)Returns the day of the month from date d.SELECT DAYOFMONTH('2022-06-10 17:31:11');

DAYOFWEEK(d)Returns the weekday index from date d.
The return value ranges from 1 to 7 and value 1 indicates Sunday.
SELECT DAYOFWEEK('2022-06-10 17:35:11');

DAYOFYEAR(d)Returns the day of the year from date d.SELECT DAYOFYEAR('2022-06-10 18:02:11');

EXTRACT(type FROM d)Extracts part of date d.
type can be set to SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and YEAR.
SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM '2022-06-10 18:02:33') ;

HOUR(t)Extracts the hour from time t.SELECT HOUR('18:06:31');

LAST_DAY(d)Returns the last day of the month from date d.SELECT LAST_DAY("2022-06-10");

MAKEDATE(year, day-of-year)Creates a date based on the given year and day of year.
year specifies the year. day-of-year specifies the day of year.

MAKETIME(hour, minute, second)Creates time based on the given hour, minute, and second.SELECT MAKETIME(11,35,4);

MICROSECOND(date)Returns the microseconds from date date.SELECT MICROSECOND('2022-06-10 18:12:00.000023');

MINUTE(t)Returns the minute from time t.SELECT MINUTE('18:12:31');

MONTHNAME(d)Returns the name of the month from date d, such as November.SELECT MONTHNAME('2022-06-10 18:13:19');

MONTH(d)Returns the month from date d.
The return value ranges from 1 to 12.
SELECT MONTH('2022-06-10 18:14:11');

PERIOD_ADD(period, number)Adds a period (expressed in months) to a year-month.
period specifies the year-month. number specifies the period to add.

PERIOD_DIFF(period1, period2)Returns the number of months between periods.SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(202204,202012);

QUARTER(d)Returns the quarter from date d.
The return value ranges from 1 to 4.
SELECT QUARTER('2022-06-10 18:16:29');

SECOND(t)Returns the second from time t.SELECT SECOND('18:17:36');

SEC_TO_TIME(s)Converts time s which is expressed in seconds to the hh:mm:ss format.SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(4320);

STR_TO_DATE(string, format_mask)Converts a string to a date.SELECT STR_TO_DATE('June 10 2022','%M %d %Y');

SUBDATE(d,n)Subtracts interval n from date d.SELECT SUBDATE('2022-06-10 18:19:27',15);

->2022-05-26 18:19:27
SUBTIME(t,n)Subtracts period_ n_ from time t. n is expressed in seconds.SELECT SUBTIME('2022-06-10 18:21:11',5);

->2022-06-10 18:21:06
TIME(expression)Extracts the time portion of an expression.SELECT TIME('18:22:10');

TIME_FORMAT(t,f)Formats time t based on expression f.SELECT TIME_FORMAT('18:22:59','%r');

->06:22:59 PM
TIME_TO_SEC(t)Converts time t to seconds.SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('18:24:00');

TIMEDIFF(time1, time2)Subtracts two points in time.
time1 and time2 each specify a point in time.
SELECT TIMEDIFF('18:24:11','13:10:10');

TIMESTAMP(expression, interval)With a single argument, this function returns the date or datetime expression. With two arguments, this function returns the sum of the arguments.SELECT TIMESTAMP('2022-06-10', '18:25:17');

->2022-06-10 18:25:17
TIMESTAMPDIFF(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2)Subtracts two datetime expressions.
datetime_expr1 and datetime_expr2 each specify a datetime expression. unit specifies the unit of the return value.

1. SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,'2020-12-23','2022-04-02');

2. SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH,'2020-12-23','2022-04-02');
TO_DAYS(d)Converts date d to the number of days since date 0000-01-01.SELECT TO_DAYS('2022-06-10 00:00:00');

WEEK(d)Returns the week number of date_ d_.
The return value ranges from 0 to 53.
SELECT WEEK('2022-06-10 00:00:00');

WEEKDAY(d)Returns the weekday index of date d.
For example, return value 0 indicates Monday and 1 indicates Tuesday.
SELECT WEEKDAY('2022-06-10');

WEEKOFYEAR(d)Returns the calendar week of date d.
The return value ranges from 0 to 53.
SELECT WEEKOFYEAR('2022-06-10 11:11:11');

YEAR(d)Returns the year of date d.SELECT YEAR('2022-06-10');

YEARWEEK(date, mode)Returns the year and week number (value range: 0 to 53).
mode is optional and specifies what day a week starts on. For example, return value 0 indicates Sunday and 1 indicates Monday.
SELECT YEARWEEK('2022-06-10');
