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String Functions

This topic describes the string functions supported by StoneDB.

ASCII(s)Returns the numeric value of the leftmost character of string ASCII('CHINA');

Returns the number of characters in string s.SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('CHINA');

CONCAT_WS(x, s1,
Concatenates strings s1, s2, … Sn.SELECT CONCAT('Welcome to ','CHINA');

->Welcome to CHINA
FIELD(s,s1,s2...)Returns the index of the first string s in the list of subsequent strings (s1, s2, …).SELECT FIELD("c","a","b","c","d","e");

FIND_IN_SET(s1,s2)Returns the index of the first string s1 within the second string s2.SELECT FIND_IN_SET("c","a,b,c,d,e");

FORMAT(x,n)Returns a number formatted to n decimal places.
x specifies the number to format. The return value is in the #,###.## format.
SELECT FORMAT(9105885500.534,2);

INSERT(s1,x,len,s2)Inserts substring s2 at a given position up to the specified number of characters in string s1.
x specifies position to insert. len specifies the number of characters.
SELECT INSERT('Welcome to CHINA',1,6,'I love');

->I lovee to CHINA
LOCATE(s1,s)Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring s1 in string s.SELECT LOCATE('db','stonedb');

Returns every character in string s in lowercase.SELECT LCASE('STONEDB');

LEFT(s,n)Returns the leftmost n characters in string_ s_.SELECT LEFT('stonedb',5);

LPAD(s1,len,s2)Left-pads string s2 with string s1 to the specified length len.SELECT LPAD('one',5,'st');

LTRIM(s)Remove leading spaces in string s.SELECT LTRIM(' STONEDB');

MID(s,n,len)Returns a substring of string s starting from a given position.
n specifies the position. len specifies the length of the substring. This function is the Synonym for SUBSTRING(s,n,len).
SELECT MID('stonedb',2,3);

POSITION(s1 IN s)Returns the position of the first occurrence of substring s1 in string s.SELECT POSITION('db'in'stonedb');

REPEAT(s,n)Repeats string s for n times.SELECT REPEAT('hello',3);

REPLACE(s,s1,s2)Replaces substring s1 in string s with substring s2.SELECT REPLACE('stonedb','db','x');

REVERSE(s)Reverses the characters in string s.SELECT REVERSE('stonedb');

RIGHT(s,n)Returns n rightmost characters in string s.SELECT RIGHT('stonedb',5);

RPAD(s1,len,s2)Right-pads string s2 to string s1 to the specified length len.SELECT RPAD('stone',7,'db');

RTRIM(s)Remove trailing spaces in string s.SELECT RTRIM('STONEDB ');

SPACE(n)Returns n spaces.SELECT SPACE(10);

STRCMP(s1,s2)Compares the lengths of strings s1 and_ s2_.
- If s1 = s2, 0 is returned.
- If s1 > s2, 1 is returned.
- If s1 < s2, -1 is returned.
SELECT STRCMP('stonedb','stone');

SUBSTR(s, start, length)Returns a substring of the specified length within string s.
start specifies the position from which the substring starts.

SUBSTRING_INDEX(s, delimiter, number)Returns a substring from string s before the specified number of occurrences of the delimiter.SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('stonedb','n',1);

TRIM(s)Removes leading and trailing spaces in string s.SELECT TRIM(' STONEDB ');

Returns every character in string s in uppercase.SELECT UCASE('stonedb');